今週のメッセージ Dream Revelation Spirit guides and angels can communicate with us through dreams. They tell us about your lives, our concerns and give us... 2024.08.04 今週のメッセージ
今週のメッセージ Truths of Spirit You may have been feeling isolated, rejected, unappreciated or misunderstood lately. Spirit wants for you to know, that ... 2024.07.28 今週のメッセージ
今週のメッセージ 陰陽=バランス Yin/Yang Respect the balance in all things. Feel the wisdom of balance. Feel the energy of connecting heaven and earth.... 2024.07.22 今週のメッセージ
今週のメッセージ Retreat 一時退却 As with falling leaves, embrace change. For change happens with the seasons and has its reasons. 落ち葉のように、変化を受け入れましょう。変化... 2024.07.13 今週のメッセージ
今週のメッセージ Embrace the Unknown Embrace the unknown. Sometimes the greatest adventures are found in the most unexpected places. 未知を受け入れてください。最大の冒険は最も予期し... 2024.07.07 今週のメッセージ